September 26, 2009

I'm actually blogging again.

I haven't been blogging ever since I got my latop, sorry about that it's just that my keyboard is really old (five or six years) and some of the keys don't work unless you pay attention and press down really hard so it's nice to type on this new computer.

The first month of school went by surprisingly quickly, but it always seems to slow down the further into the school year you are. Like in the weeks before Christmas break it seems like each day is a week.

Dad got the pool all packed up today which was sad, but we kept it up for the longest we've ever had it up I think. Yeah, for the past few years we've been taking it down by the first week in September.

Sorry if I'm not making much sense but I'm typing really fast because it's fun. I could ramble on and on about nothing for pages with this computer. Like nerdfighters for example, which aren't nothing but you know what I mean. Nerdfighters started about two years ago when John and Hank Green started videoblogging back and forth. If you've never heard of them check out their Brotherhood 2.0 youtube channel. But before watching any of the current videos watch Accio Deathly Hallows. I've had that song going through my head all day and I want someone else to have it going through their head also. Thanks.

What to ramble on about now...well on Sunday I asked Grace to start up a conversation about the trash can by the billboard and she was able to so why don't I have that talent? Grace can make up a conversation about anything.

Which do you prefer, zombies or unicorns (I know, I know, I've already talked enough about Nerdfighters) I think unicorns are stupid (sorry to any unicorn lovers) so I'm on team zombie. Comment on which side you're on.

There, I struck up conversation on something that didn't have to do with anything but it did have to do with the nerdfighter thing because that's the running argument in nerdfighterdom. When I asked Dad which he prefered he said that was like asking him to choose between opera or mime.

Henry was just playing a piano piece that I learned last year, the copier.

Well, the family needs the computer for watching Monk now (last season, so sad) so I'd beter sign off even though this is fun, I should ramble on about random things more often.

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