October 10, 2010

25 Random Things About Me

Since there's no way I'd be able to come up with 100 random things (I started out this post that way) I'm going to cut it down to 25 random things. Someday I might try at the 100, but until then, you can read the 25. :)

1. I'm left-handed.

2. I'm double-jointed in my thumbs and knees.

3. I'm watching the Packers play as I type this.

4. The walls in my room are brown.

5. I have 2 siblings.

6. I'm homeschooled.

7. I'm partially deaf.

8. I'm an extremely quiet person, yet I'm into theater.

9. I did not forget that today is 10/10/10 (I'm so proud of myself for this one :))

10. I play guitar.

11. One side of my family is extremely large, but my other side of my family is not extremely small, but much smaller that the other side.

12. I'm wearing a shirt with butterflies on it.

13. I have brown eyes.

14. I can knit.

15. I can play guitar.

16. I can crochet.

17. I can kind of juggle.

18. The only sports I'm good at are comedy sports. :)

19. I'm much taller in person.

20. I won a poetry contest when I was 8.

21. I was in swimming lessons when I was younger and I never passed level 4.

22. I've started my own drama group.

23. I still have nightmares about zombies.

24. I've been to camp as a camper 7 times.

25. I canNOT say the ABC's backwards.


madhenmom said...

By 'one side of my family is large', I hope you mean in their number, not their size. :)

Maria said...

That's great Maddi. Always wondered about you! Kidding!

Maddi said...

Wow, I'm so smart I put 'I play guitar' twice.
And yes, mom, I meant number :)

Maddi said...

Now I CAN sing the ABC's backwards. ;)