December 14, 2010

Things There Should Be Words For

Lexical Gaps. When there isn't a word for something there should be a word for.

The thing where someone tries to open a car door just as you unlock it and it locks again.

Those circular things in the center of a CD case that hold the disc in place.

The inside of your elbow.

The feeling that your about to sneeze but never do.

Does anyone have others? OR words for the listed above? :)


Maria said...

LOL! I know itsn't it annoying?? I can't really think of any others right now.

Bethany d said...

The space on the top of your hand between the knuckles and the wrist. ;)

Bailey said...

Doesn't "thingamajig" suffice?

Bailey said...

- the other parts of ceiling fans beyond blades and light bulbs

- the hole on the back of a plaque with which you hang it on the wall

- the siblings who are not oldest, youngest or middle

- the feeling when you do something a million times with no luck and then somebody smugly comes along and does it the first time with no problem

- the prongs in the dishwasher that form the rows

Kara said...

lol Maddi! There should be words for that.

So annoying!

Maddi said...

Bailey-Thingamajig and whatchamacallit ALWAYS suffice!

Maria said...

Agreed Ladies! I use those words all the time!