June 21, 2011

About a month ago, I went on a kick of reading books by Steven James (who just so happen to used to have worked at Camp Phillip ) There were just a point from one of his books I really liked and thought I'd mention here. :)

The point was about God and how complex he is, he had no beginning, he's been around forever and he always will be. I don't know about you, but for me, that's nearly impossible to wrap my head around.

Not only is he eternal, but he made EVERYTHING! You know your science books, where it explains how all the planets move and stay suspended in space, and how the atmosphere works and wonderful stuff like that? He made ALL of that. That's AMAZING to me!!!

The point Steven James made though, was HOW could someone have made God up? He's so complex and amazing that we can't fully understand him, so how could he not be real? No one is smart enough to make up something they can't understand!

Human brains aren't capable of understanding everything about this world, so how can we assume that it was because of us that things are here, we also can't assume the world was created in an explosion, how could it have been? The world around us is so amazingly complex, as are our bodies themselves, to not believe that God created it all would have to take an impossible about of faith that none of us are capable of.

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