December 03, 2011

God Is 2 Kinds Of Awesome

In the Bible, awesome is defined as awe inspiring.

In the Bible, awesome is usually used to describe something that is beautiful. So beautiful that it has the capability of taking your breath away.

According to the Bible, you would use the word 'awesome' to describe something like the Grand Canyon. Or Niagra Falls. Something that once you saw it, you wouldn't be able to wait to tell your friends about it. Or post about it on Facebook.

Awesome is a powerful word.

God is awesome. He is awe inspiring. He is beautiful.

Today, I hear the word 'awesome' everywhere. I use the word 'awesome' everywhere. I don't think twice about it.

'Dude, the -insert popular movie here- was such and awesome movie!'

'Have you tried that awesome new diet?'

'That party last night was totally awesome!'

'It was SO AWESOME!'

Was that diet really awe inspiring? Was that new popular movie really that beautiful?

Of course not! Awesome is a completely new word now! Awesome mean 'hip', 'cool', 'trendy'. Awesome is a word that's used loosely now. But notice, God still fits the definition!

God may not be considered 'cool' or 'hip' or even that 'trendy', but he is!

When people think about God, they think of an hour of sitting still in church, singing 'boring' hymns and reciting things from the Bible.

God is so much more than church. God cares about you personally. Hate to break it to you, but God loves you so much more than Edward Cullen will ever love you.

Try reading 1 John. It include such a more romantic love story than Twilight ever will be.

If you read the Bible, it's so much more relevant than you would think.

There are verses about staying up too late. There are verses about worrying about what you wear and what you buy. There are verses, no, chapters about love, hate life death and what happens after death.

Try this:

'Dude, that sermon was so awesome!'

'Have you tried reading the Bible? It's awesome!'

'Church last night was totally awesome!'


1 comment:

Bear85 said...

Maddi, that post was totally ...nah, too easy! :-)

I love you ...but not as much as Jesus does!