September 28, 2009

More Rambling.

I tried to beat the Monday curse this morning but I failed. I woke up at the wrong time, was cold for about two hours, couldn't pay attention in school and I've had a groggy feeling all day. But that's what comes with every Monday so I'd better get used to it.

Henry and Grace are watching The Powerpuff Girls. I think they have all of those episodes memorized, that and Batman. Henry just ran out of the room because TPPG were in trouble. What is it with him? Anything we watch, seriously, anything if something looks to be going wrong he'll run out of the room or cover his ears.

Grace got herself dressed this morning, her shirt is still on backwards, she just got pants on and one of her socks is upside down. Ah well, she's trying.

Tomorrow morning we're going to a Pumpkin Patch with some of the other homeschoolers. That should be fun as long as I don't have to carry Grace for more than half an hour.

Just (really just, like five seconds ago) found out that Mom and I have dentist appointments on Thursday. I get to get a tooth pulled because it won't come out by itself. I need a tooth cleaning too. At least it won't be on Wednesday because then I'll be double dreading it (catechism).

My hands were stuck for a second, it was weird, I couldn't move them. Maybe I'm going through lockbrainitis. It's a medical condition where you (or I) can't think of anything to blog about.

I can't believe it's almost October already. It seems like yesterday it was August. I've decided that I don't have a favorite season exactly, I like the first week of every season, when it's still new. The first snowfall of winter, when it's crisp outside and it doesn't seems TOO cold. Or the first Monday of Summer when I sleep in.


stix said...

you sound very bored.

Joseph Abrahamson said...

You, dreading catechism?

What does this mean?

theMom said...

I see both your Godparents think alike.

I was just going to question your use of the word "dreading" along side catechism. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

I see my husband has already mentioned it to you.