Where did this year go? In some ways it seems like forever that we were getting the new Christmas tree up, or that I got my braces put on.
It's November already, it feels like it sould still be September. It's insane how fast time flies by sometimes.
To me at least it seems like everything is rushing in front of me. The days are going by faster and faster. I wake up and then go to bed. I eat breakfast, then supper it seems somedays.
Is it just that we started school and that takes up a good chunk of the day or what is it do you think? When you're little, the days seem to take forever, thy drag on and on and on and oooooonnnn. For the past years though, the days have been going quicker and quicker for me. I know lots of people feel the same way, but why is it? What makes us think that time is flying by quicker since we're older?
A 70 year old person and a 5 year old person could be standing next to each other, complely still. For the five year old the seconds are ticking by like hours but for the older person, it's just seconds, they fly by.
But WHY? That's my big question. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY??? Does someone somewhere know?
Why does time fly by faster when you're older and when you're younger does time take FOREVER?
Maybe because younger people have less to do...because older people have done more...because older people have perfected the art of patience...because we kids are ridiculously impatient. :P I dunno. That's my two cents.
Hi Madeline,
One year in your life is 1/12 of your life. One year in mine is 1/42. Proportionately, each day takes up a continuously smaller chunk of one's life.
Make sense? That's the only way I've ever been able to make it make sense, but it's just my theory.
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