August 21, 2010

I Spoil Them

After a supper of personalized pizza burritos (personalized as in letters in cheese), chocolate milk, ice cream with chocolate chips and sprinkles we sat down for Prince of Egypt.

Grace didn't finish her burrito or her ice cream, and now, she's begging me for a snack. Just thought I'd share with you so that I'm more determined not to give in.


Bailey said...

Can I be your little sister?

Bethany d said...


Maria said...

Oh, little siblings are so wonderful. Don't you just love being the oldest?? I am sure they love Maddi, even if you don't give them that forth scoop of ice cream! ;)

Kara said...

:D Gracie sortof sounds like Becca. We eat a big supper, after supper is cleaned up "I'm Hungry!"

You should save her supper or plate!

Maddi said...

Bailey-Sure! :)

Maria-I wasn't going to give them a second. ;)

Kara-We try saving her plate but it's no use, when we ask her if she wants to eat what's leftover she refuses. :P