August 20, 2010

A Little Siblings and Their Thoughts On The World (2)

M: What do you want be when you grow up?

G: A doctor and a lawyer. (Right after she said that she whispered "What's a lawyer again?")

M: Why?

G: Because I wanna help people to get better and I also want to help other people.

M: What's your favorite movie?

G: Diego

M: What's your favorite book?

G: Diego

M: What's your favorite food?

G: Spaghetti. And macaroni!

M: Who's your favorite big sister in the whole wide world?

G: You. Maddi.

M: What's a good question?

G: Who's your favorite character in Diego.

M: Who's your favorite character in Diego?

G: Diego.

M: Are you in a Diego phase right now?

G: Yeaa...

M: What's your favorite color?

G: Pink.

M: Why?

G: Because. I just like pink. It's pretty.

Here's where Henry comes in and asks "Can you interview me now and ask me the same questions?"

M: What do you want to be when you grow up?

H: An inventor.

M: Why?

H: Because I like inventing stuff. And I always want to become a computer programmer but that would be too boring so I'd go into computer games.

M: What's your favorite movie?

H: Toy Story 3

M: What's your favorite book?

H: Silverwing.

M: What's your favorite food?

H: Ice Cream.

M: Who's your favorite big sister in the whole wide world?

H: Madeline. My only big sister.

M: What's a good question?

H: What's the Archibald of teenba?

M: Who's your favorite character in Diego?

H: The Bo-Bo Brothers. They're the bad guys.

M: Are you in a Diego phase right now?

H: The opposite of yes.

M: What's your favorite color?

H: Greeeen.

Grace: Are you in a green phase?

H: The same answer to the question am I in a Diego phase.

Henry: What's your favorite key to press on the keyboard?

M: ctrl Z

H: Do you make accidents on the computer alot?

M: No.

H: What's your favorite movie?

M: Alice in Wonderland.


Bethany d said...

Is it your plan to change your background every time I go on?? :o)

I love your siblings -- they are very profound.

*cough* make sure Bailey doesn't learn that you like Alice in Wonderland -- the movie that is...ask her yourself. :D ((Although I didn't think it was that bad))

Bailey said...


Regarding Alice...please, let's not even discuss. it.


Bailey said...

I think I went period happy. H'm.


Maddi said...

Bethany, I think I'm finally sticking with this background.
I think Grace is the profound one, Henry is just more...there's not really a word for it. LOL