June 06, 2011

I Didn't Believe Them

All I wanted to be when I was little was older. People always told me I'd regret wanted to be older, that I'd want to be little again later in life.

Now that I'm 'older' (though, by the worlds standards, I'm still a child) all I want to be is a little kid again.

You took for granted running in the grass barefoot and not worrying about a single thing.

The days biggest challenge was seeing how high you could swing on the park swingset.

The worst part of the day was bedtime.

You didn't understand why mom and dad didn't want to go outside and play at six in the morning.

When Steve couldn't figure something out on Blue's Clues it was the funniest thing in the world.

In a few years you'll look back on right now and wish you could go back.

Make the most of right now, don't take for granted what you may not have tomorrow.


Bethany d said...

So true. :) Don't you hate it when they say,

"you're too old."

Like riding with daddy on the lawn mower. Having your big brother swing you around. Not worrying about countless things. *sighs*

Kara said...

So true. Even now, some things are you might say "limited" for me to do, as well.


Maria said...

Yup, if only we were little again. Ah well, the pain and joy of growing older. Growing up isn't all you think it is!